Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Birthday boy

Today, almost three decades ago, a very special boy was born.
He is not like any other boy you've ever met. Just ask his mom. She'll tell you. If you tell her he's cute, she'll correct you saying he's BEAUTIFUL.
Usually moms are biased. However, I would have to say this mom is quite correct.
This boy is handsome, charming and clever. He'll steal your heart, so stay away.
He'll help with anything you need helping with: washing the dishes, pizzas, cardiac arrest.
He'll listen to anything you have to say and respect it too. He can have a dialogue with anyone, genuinely interested in their point of view, without feeling scared or threatened.
He'll eat anything you cook with love, no matter how burned or salty.
He'll forgive and tolerate very difficult people you don't even want to be near.
He'll say and three euro New Year's was the best New Year's he's ever had precisely because it was simple.
He is simple.
He'll tell you a lot of things that come straight from the heart and and will melt yours.
He will get really excited about your achievements and be giddy when you do things like discuss your thesis.
He will make ANY small group or sharing absolutely wonderful. Just try him. Give him a small group. He knows how to be completely honest without any hidden agendas. You will never meet anyone with this secret super talent.
He will dance at any event as if no one was watching. He will dance better than you of course.
He will visit you in the hospital. He will stop everything he is doing to visit you if you are sick, even if you are not related to him.
He will make your New Year's the best New Year's ever. Just by being there.
He will hopefully have a special day, year and many more special years.

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